The Ghost blogging platform upon which this little blog 'o mine is built turned 2 years old today.

Ghost was born as a Kickstarter project that garnered $300,000 of funding.
Like OneNote for the Web
To me, the Ghost blog editor experience is almost like firing-up Microsoft OneNote to capture my thoughts, research, and to document the processes that I go through during development so that others can benefit. But then Ghost takes it to the next level by publishing my content while also capturing the thoughts and input of others via Disqus comments.
Focus for the Upcoming Year
There's a nice blog posting (what else!) from the Ghost folks describing the way they spent the Kickstarter money and where they intend to go from here.
It looks like the main focus for the next year is support for 3rd party app integration.
We are going to deliver the first iteration of apps this year. No more waiting around and no more excuses. We're going to start out with a new approach very similar to how Atom built their own package manager. Initially it will only support free (not paid) themes and apps
CMS Features
So Ghost appears to be heading in the direction of CMS-like features using a plug-in framework similar to that used by Github's Atom editor. I love Atom and how extensible it is. So I'm hopeful that Ghost will succeed with this approach.
Node.js Ecosystem
Wow, the Node.js world is growing like crazy. With the success of Node.js-based projects like Ghost and Atom that span the web and the desktop, everyone, including Microsoft, wants on the Node.js bandwagon.
Happy Birthday Ghost, and many more to come.